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Kingdom Protista

Written By Tareqi on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 | 10:43 PM

Protista (protist) is a group of either unicellular or multicellular organisms. The cells are eukaryotic comprising Protozoa and algae, except for blue-green algae. Okay lets see the detail... :D

Protozoa is derived from two words in Greek, that is protos meaning first and zoon meaning animal. Protozoa is a unicellular organisms, where its cells are eukaryotic, having size between 1-1,000 um. Their body shapes are either permanent like Paramaecium or flexible like Amoeba. Advantageous protozoa includes, for example, Radiolaria, in like Plasmodium malariae may cause malaria illness.

Algae comprises unicellular and multicellular in form of filament, sheets or high-level plants (but has no real root, stems, and leaves), has chlorophyll and other pigments and it is autothrophic. Algae is an organism with its habitat is in water, like lake, river, ditch, pond, or sea. However, several species of algae can also live on rocks, bark, fence, and humid places affected by no direct sunlight.

By virtue of pigments, algae is distinguished into four classes, namely green algae, golden algae, brown algae, and red algae. In waters, algae plays a role as phytoplankton constituting food source of fish. Therefore, any waters rich with algae will also have many fish. Red algae Eucheuma spinosum is materials for creating gelatin.


Algae species: Chlamydomonas (Left), and Spirogyra (Right)


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