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Kingdom Monera

Written By Tareqi on Monday, January 28, 2013 | 4:17 AM

Monera is derived from Greek moneres meaning single. Monera comprises bacteria and Cyanophyta (blue-green algae). Both are composed of prokaryotic cells, that is any cell where its nucleus has no membrane.

Bacteria only compries one cell (unicellular), in size ranging from 1-5 um, can be viewed using light microscope. Shapes of the bacteria are circle (coccus), bar (bacillus), spiral (spirillum), and comma (vibrio). Bacteria having bar or spiral shapes can move since they have flagella.

Only 1% of bacteria is pathogenic. For example, Salmonella typhosa having bar shape causing typhus. Most bacteria are useful to decompose organisms remnants. Bacteria living in colon, namely Escherichia coli, is useful since it degenerates digested residues and produce vitamin K.

Cyanophyta (Blue-green algae)
Some blue-green algae are unicellular, having colonies or in shape of multicellular filament, having phycocyanin (blue) and phycoerythrin (red), as well as chloroplast spread all over the cell.

In general, they can not move. However, some of them cn move back-forward like Oscillatoria. Habitats of blue-green algae include fresh water, sea water, humid place, or rocks and stones.


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