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How does Water Pollution affect Our Environment?

Written By Tareqi on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 12:31 AM

Hello friends ^^ Time to time, water pollution is increase highly. Water pollution is together with air pollution the most serious form of environmental pollution. Water pollution not only does huge damage to our environment but also to our health. Water is the most precious resource on our planet, and water pollution is the main reason why freshwater resources are constantly declining, and the worst part in the whole story is the fact that there are still many people in the world who do not take water pollution problem seriously.

The contamination of water bodies has tremendous negative impact on environment, it has ability to destroy many animal habitats, and cause irreparable damage to many ecosystems. Water pollution is not only killing millions of people around the globe each year, it is also killing millions of plants and animals that simply cannot cope with the increasing levels of water pollution caused by different chemicals and other waste.

In some areas of the world water pollution issue is totally out of control, and in these areas polluted water spreads different toxins and other chemicals into environment, making it dirty, and above all unhealthy place to live in.

The main problem with water pollution is the fact that in many countries around the globe large industries still continue to dump different types of waste into streams and rivers because there is the lack of controlling mechanisms that would keep their eyes on these industries and prevent them from dumping industrial waste into water bodies.

If this world really wants clean environment, then the crucial thing to do is to stop the two most common types of pollution, namely the air and the water pollution. However, world still looks to be lacking global will needed for such an action and this is the reason why these two forms of pollution will continue to deteriorate our environment for years to come.

The aquatic life is mostly affected with water pollution, and water pollution can even lead to an extinction of some animal species, like this was the case with the Yangtze River Dolphin.

Chemical compounds and other water pollutants cause aquatic animals difficulties with breathing while on the other hand these chemicals can also be quite toxic for land animals once they drink this polluted water.

The environmental damage of water pollution doesn't stop there, water pollution also increases the impact of air pollution, because the more polluted water gets the better chance there is that some of these pollutants will evaporate into air. Polluted water is also one of the major contributing factors to acid rain creation, and generally speaking this is certainly one of the biggest environmental problems.

Id world currently doing enough to tackle water pollution issue? I will answer this question by saying that almost one billion people in the world still do not have access to safe drinking water. So much about the 21th century. So poor -_- so untill now, don't throw rubbish in to a river! Hahaha...


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